My [ TOP 10 ] beauty hacks!

  1. Does your nail polish take too long to dry? After applying it put you hands under cold running water for a minute or two and your nails will be dry and perfect!

  2. Do you hate having lipstick on your teeth? After applying the lipstick put a finger in your mouth and then pull it out lipppp

  3. Do you wish you had perfect eyebrows like Cara Delevigne but they don’t behave? Use clear lip balm/vaseline to keep them in place!cara-1263755368

  4. Do you want wonderful curly eyelashes? Put your eyelash curler in your bra while you’re getting ready 😉 (the heat and the boob-power will make lashes much easier to curl!)Adriana-Lima

  5. Short eyelashes? To make eyelashes look much longer apply your mascara from the back of the eyelashes downwards and then as you would do normally (from the front of the eyelashes upwards).This hack works because if you only apply mascara in one direction you concentrate the product on the base and not on the tips!b7e890d0-7f04-45d7-a462-daf8a35da868

  6. To make your perfume last longer apply Vaseline before you spray it onprofumo

  7. For soft kissable lips use sugar + olive oil and scrub gently

  8. If you’re out of nail polish remover just grab any nail polish (preferably a transparent one) and put it on your nails then very quickly wipe it off with a cotton disk

  9. Out of shaving cream? Use hair conditioner instead for silky smooth legs and armpitsNaked-Girl-Bum-Legs_small1

  10. For super smooth feet / hands rub plenty of cream/vaseline on and then put socks/gloves overnight!

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